Saturday, May 1, 2010

upcoming projects

The rock wall is still a work in progress, the face is filling in nicely. The Lewisia came through winter and is looking amazing.
The top of the wall has been planted with nerine bulbs, and the start of my Daylily demonstration garden. I should have over 80 named cultivars by June. Many will be cutting edge breeding from the US, including a number of 2010 introductions.
Does this look like a pond yet? Look for a spectacular waterfall, and a lovely pool sometime this summer.
Sadly our little goat shed, and my dreams of chickens are gone. The sheds roof and back corner were rotting and unsafe. Repairing these defects, replacing some posts, and the roof led to stripping down the building, which led to....a Greenhouse plan!
Here is where we took out the rotting back wall. Where there once was rot and sag, will be windows and a back door.
Instead of a fence, and chickens, we have a potting bench for customer use, and a greenhouse for me. Now thats some daylily dreaming in the making.
These 1400 or so daylily seedlings started life in my garage. I will have over 3000 unique daylily seedlings by summers end. I guess the "daylily farm" is next years project.

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